Como de costume, a Media Create revelou quais foram os games e consoles mais vendidos na última semana. Como era de se esperar o Switch continua liderando o top entre os consoles, já entre os games, temos um estreante para o PS4 que rouba a cena, confira a lista:

Games mais vendidos

  1. [PS4] Everybody’s Golf (SIE, 08/31/17) – 100,719 (New)
  2. [NSW] Splatoon 2 (Nintendo, 07/21/17) – 53,320 (1,056,500)
  3. [3DS] Etrian Mystery Dungeon 2 (Limited Edition Included) (Atlus, 08/31/17) – 29,887 (New)
  4. [NSW] Monster Hunter XX (Capcom, 08/25/17) – 27,120 (111,396)
  5. [3DS] Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age (Square Enix, 07/29/17) – 22,846 (1,693,913)
  6. [PS4] Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon (Limited Edition Included) (Gust, 08/31/17) – 18,207 (New)
  7. [PS4] Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age (Square Enix, 07/29/17) – 14,053 (1,328,455)
  8. [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Nintendo, 04/28/17) – 12,474 (672,688)
  9. [3DS] The Snack World: Trejarers (Level-5, 08/10/17) – 10,098 (148,070)
  10. [PS4] Resident Evil: Revelations (Capcom, 08/31/17) – 9,260 (New)
  11. [PSV] Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon (Limited Edition Included) (Gust, 08/31/17) – 7,168 (New)
  12. [3DS] Jake Hunter Detective Story: Ghost of the Dusk (Arc System Works, 08/31/17) – 6,132 (New)
  13. [NSW] Arms (Nintendo, 06/16/17) – 5,183 (214,400)
  14. [PS4] Yomawari: Midnight Shadows (NIS, 08/24/17) – 4,943 (13,009)
  15. [NSW] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Limited Edition Included) (Nintendo, 03/03/17) – 4,904 (576,067)
  16. [NSW] Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon (Limited Edition Included) (Gust, 08/31/17) – 4,463 (New)
  17. [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf Amiibo+ (Nintendo, 11/23/16) – 4,008 (232,410)
  18. [PS4] Dragon Quest X: All In One Package (Square Enix, 08/17/17) – 3,829 (22,184)
  19. [PSV] Yomawari: Midnight Shadows (NIS, 08/24/17) – 3,647 (11,902)
  20. [PS4] Megadimension Neptunia VIIR (Compile Heart, 08/24/17) – 3,346 (19,122)

Consoles mais vendidos

  1. Switch – 50,074 (69,654)
  2. PlayStation 4 – 21,419 (20,433)
  3. New 3DS LL – 12,332 (11,470)
  4. New 2DS LL – 11,515 (11,173)
  5. PlayStation 4 Pro – 4,965 (4,225)
  6. PlayStation Vita – 3,975 (4,080)
  7. 2DS – 1,935 (2,137)
  8. New 3DS – 486 (430)
  9. Wii U – 116 (117)
  10. PlayStation 3 – 85 (83)
  11. Xbox One – 78 (63)